Aged Faux Wall Finish In Bath

I recently finished this pool bath with a distressed glazing technique. The base coat of paint is a light yellow. I then used a Sherwin-Williams color called Toasty for a glaze.


  1. I really admire your work and especially liked the glazing on the pool bath walls. I am interested in how you applied the glaze to appear to have vertical streaking.

  2. The basecoat color of these walls was a fairly good yellow. Not bright but a soft yellow. I mixed up a glaze with Benjamin-Moore Latex glaze and used a paint color called 'Toasty' by Sherwin-williams. Probably around one part paint to 8 parts glaze.

    In doing this technique I use two containers. One container has the glaze and paint mix and the other container has just glaze with no paint in it.

    So when I start on the wall I start in a corner. I use a 2 or 2 and half inch angled brush by purty. I first dip the brush in the paint/glaze mix and and apply it in a vertical line down the wall.

    Then you have to go back and sort of pounce the streak or you will end up with brush lines. So you want to pounce with the end of the brush to get rid of the brush lines.

    Then I dip the brush in the clear glaze and work that next to the first vertical streak.

    There will still be some glaze on the brush from before which is good but it lays out a very thin tramsparent glaze.

    You want to make sure that the entire wall is covered by the glaze and not leave any bare spots.

    So basically work the wall by using the paint mix and the clear glaze as you go across.

    From the pictures you can see how some vertical lines are longer and some are more pronounced.

    If you are going to try it just print out the pictures and use them as a guide.

    I recently did 2 bedrooms and hall area just like that and it looked great.


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